2018 EBRIefings

Health Care in Retirement: Trends and Implications for Retirees

(Password: imv6X@oi)

with Edward A. Kaplan, Paul Fronstin, and Lori Lucas

Retirement Income — Insights From the 2018 Retirement Confidence Survey

(Password: Dl4$ga5s)

with Craig Copeland, Matt Greenwald, and Toni Griffin

Work in Retirement: Expectations vs. Reality EBRIefing —
Insights From the 2018 Retirement Confidence Survey

(Password: $85BuQMs)

with Aliya Wong, Craig Copeland, and Lisa Greenwald

 Student Loan Debt - How Much is There and How Can Employers Address it?

with Craig Copeland, Neil Lloyd, Alex Smith, and Stacy Schaus

Consumer Engagement in Health Care Among Millennials, Baby Boomers, and Generation X

with Paul Fronstin and Victoria Pavlov

EBRI Retirement Security Projection Model® (RSPM)—Analyzing Policy and Design Proposals

 with Jack Vanderhei

Self-Insured Health Plan Trends: A Closer Look at the Small-Employer Market

 with Paul Fronstin, Kris Haltmeyer, and Christopher E. Condeluci

Spending in Retirement and Financial Shocks Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence

 with Sudipto Banerjee and Anna Rappaport